
Brew Moments

A brew ratio calculator with the ability to save brew recipes.


How it works

Accurately calculate how much water you need for a given amount of coffee, in order to maintain a brew ratio. Ratios range from 1:2 (expresso) to 1:16 (typical V60) and higher.

Optionally save your “moments” as favourites, together with grind information and notes.


Play with the sliders or click the up/down buttons for more fine grained control:


Saving a brew moment:


A list of brew moments, which you can refer to in order to recreate your successful brews or expresso shots.

You can click on the left of each entry to edit or delete:


Where to get it

Look on the Brew Moments Google Play Store Page.

I might do an iOS version if there is enough interest.

Privacy Policy

See privacy policy