Andy 2

this is a second post


this is a standalone page. this is a standalone page. this is a standalone page. this is a standalone page. this is a standalone page. this is a standalone page.




another section

We’ve created our first website page, which can be accessed via the http://localhost:1313/bands/metallica/ URL. Let’s look at how thisURL is being composed.

http://localhost:1313 is thebase URL. In the development environment, it points to localhost , whereas in production it has the value specified under the baseURL optioninside the config.toml file. /bands/ is thesection. The directory inside the content folderdetermines the section name), which is bands in our case. You can nest sections as needed. For example, it’s possible to have a structure like bands/genres/thrash-metal . metallica is aslug. By default, this is the name of your Markdown or HTML content file ( in this case). The generated URL can be modified to a limited extent. Specifically, thesectionwill always equal to your folder structure, and it’s impossible to override it using configuration variables. The slug, however, can be changed using front matter. For example, edit and add a slug option:

We’ve created our first website page, which can be accessed via the http://localhost:1313/bands/metallica/ URL. Let’s look at how thisURL is being composed.

http://localhost:1313 is thebase URL. In the development environment, it points to localhost , whereas in production it has the value specified under the baseURL optioninside the config.toml file. /bands/ is thesection. The directory inside the content folderdetermines the section name), which is bands in our case. You can nest sections as needed. For example, it’s possible to have a structure like bands/genres/thrash-metal . metallica is aslug. By default, this is the name of your Markdown or HTML content file ( in this case). The generated URL can be modified to a limited extent. Specifically, thesectionwill always equal to your folder structure, and it’s impossible to override it using configuration variables. The slug, however, can be changed using front matter. For example, edit and add a slug option: We’ve created our first website page, which can be accessed via the http://localhost:1313/bands/metallica/ URL. Let’s look at how thisURL is being composed.

http://localhost:1313 is thebase URL. In the development environment, it points to localhost , whereas in production it has the value specified under the baseURL optioninside the config.toml file. /bands/ is thesection. The directory inside the content folderdetermines the section name), which is bands in our case. You can nest sections as needed. For example, it’s possible to have a structure like bands/genres/thrash-metal . metallica is aslug. By default, this is the name of your Markdown or HTML content file ( in this case). The generated URL can be modified to a limited extent. Specifically, thesectionwill always equal to your folder structure, and it’s impossible to override it using configuration variables. The slug, however, can be changed using front matter. For example, edit and add a slug option:

We’ve created our first website page, which can be accessed via the http://localhost:1313/bands/metallica/ URL. Let’s look at how thisURL is being composed.

http://localhost:1313 is thebase URL. In the development environment, it points to localhost , whereas in production it has the value specified under the baseURL optioninside the config.toml file. /bands/ is thesection. The directory inside the content folderdetermines the section name), which is bands in our case. You can nest sections as needed. For example, it’s possible to have a structure like bands/genres/thrash-metal . metallica is aslug. By default, this is the name of your Markdown or HTML content file ( in this case). The generated URL can be modified to a limited extent. Specifically, thesectionwill always equal to your folder structure, and it’s impossible to override it using configuration variables. The slug, however, can be changed using front matter. For example, edit and add a slug option:

yet another

Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section!

Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section! Now try to access the following URL: http://localhost:1313/bands/ . You might expect it will return a 404 error, but that’s not the case. What happens is you actually get a list of all posts inside the bands section!

Design Patterns can become language features

Many Design Patterns can become language features (observer, iterator) thus those languages become more expressive with less code needed. I would rather code in Dart, Python or Javascript than Lisp or Smalltalk. Some original patterns were ways of overcoming archaic or non dynamic language limitations. Of course many patterns are not reducible in this way.

Some Design Patterns can become language features (observer, iterator) thus those languages become more expressive with less code needed. I would rather code in Dart, Python or Javascript than Lisp or Smalltalk. Some original patterns were ways of overcoming non dynamic language limitations.

Last modified October 3, 2020: moved andy blog here (a761669)